Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hope you all had a great break! This week, we'll be workshopping your hands-on pieces and comparing notes with Stephen King on what makes writing good.

Next week, please bring in your drafts of your immersion pieces for workshop. Your final immersion piece, as well as revisions of all the pieces you've done this term, will make up your portfolio for our class.

Please arrange your pieces in the following order, with your immersion piece on top, in a folder or binder.

Immersion Piece (See guidelines on previous blog post)
Hands-On Reportage Piece
Rolling Stone-Style Interview
Cover/Query Letter for Q&A (timely with news link)
Q&A (timely with news link)
Cover/Query Letter for How-To Piece
How-To Piece

There will be a drop box outside of my office (208 FOB) during finals week. Your portfolio is due by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 12.

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