Thursday, November 8, 2012

Rolling Stone- Inspired Pieces plus New Assignments

Today (Thursday, Nov. 8) is the last day to turn in your Rolling Stone-inspired interviews. We'll workshop these in class today and next Tuesday.

Over the weekend, please prepare a one-page typed report of where you stand with your immersion work. Be very specific and detailed. Include the number of times you've been on site with your subject, interviews conducted, background research, etc. It's important that you're up-to-date and progressing. Your immersion pieces will be due at the end of the term, which is fast approaching.

You'll turn in this report Tuesday. No extensions.

Your immersion pieces, when completed, should be between 1200-2000 words long. They should include extensive evidence of hands-on reportage, as well as interviews and background research.

Please also read the two handouts from class (Matcho, Ehrenreich). Your next assignment: do a hands-on piece. Choose something new, something you've never done before, and try it. Then write about it. The subject can be tied to your immersion project. 700-900 words. Due on Thursday, Nov. 15. Bring copies to share in class.

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