Thursday, October 4, 2012

Publishing Opportunity: Catfish Creek

From the editors at Catfish Creek, a national undergraduate literary journal based at Loras College:
Catfish Creek is pleased to announce the beginning of our reading period for our third issue, slated for Spring 2013. Catfish Creek is intended as a showcase for undergraduate writers from across the country and around the world. We are welcoming submissions of fiction, poetry, and literary nonfiction.

Any student currently registered in an undergraduate program is eligible to submit. If we accept your work, we will ask for proof of your current enrollment.

Our reading period is September 1-December 1. Any manuscripts received outside of that time will be deleted unread. Simultaneous submissions are welcome as long as we are informed if the work is accepted elsewhere.

Submission Guidelines:  
All submissions should be sent electronically, as MS-Word (.doc or .docx) or RTF attachments, to  Please specify the genre of your submission (poetry, fiction, nonfiction) in the Subject line of your message. 
Ex: Fiction submission—“Story Title”

For more submission guidelines please see our website, or to order a copy:

Sample copies are $5.00, which includes shipping. Please note that educators ordering ten or more copies for use will receive a discounted price of $3.50 per copy.

We are excited to read your submissions. Welcome to Catfish Creek!


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