Monday, August 27, 2012

Assignment #2: Experts Welcome

Everyone's an expert at something. Name three things you're expert (or at least very good) at doing. Write a brief bio note outlining your expertise. Then, for each area of expertise, cite a magazine that might be interested in that subject. Provide the link to the magazine, if available. Post in the comments section below.


  1. I am an expert at Archeology, travel and New Mexico.


    I am an archaeology major with five years of experience in the archaeological field. National Geographic would be a magazine interested in archaeological field work, but it mostly publishes the ground-breaking work being done in the world. There are also some magazines that are scholarly that revolve around archaeology, but once again they are more tuned to the professional work that is going on in the world and less interested in what an undergraduate is doing. I love to do archaeological field work. I like to place myself in the footsteps of the people of the past and I love to do research on historical sites. Being able to piece things together in order to find out how people of the past lived is a thrill for me. I love to know how life was in other eras and how it differs so much from today’s world. I love to understand the reasons why people did what they did and why they lived their lives a certain way. I don’t like to judge a culture of the past because I know there has to be a reason why they did what they did, I like to know what purpose it serves.


    I love to travel. I can stay in a car for over 15 hours and I would like to think that traveling runs in my blood. My mom was the third out of five children born in her family and she was also the first to be born in Pittsburgh. My grandmother would cart all five kids between Pittsburgh, PA and Bismarck, North Dakota, where my mother's side is from. My father decided to do his master's work in New Mexico and would drive home in one straight trip. I have grown up with parents who know the best routes to go in the country to get from one side to the other, all the while seeing the best scenery. We never take a plane to go across the country, so I have grown up driving cross-country trips and it has made me the person I am. I know how to pack the easiest way and I know how to keep myself entertained in a car for hours on end. It has also given me much practice with my navigational skills by using a map a lot, not a GPS, but an actual map. Outdoors Magazine would probably be my best bet because they will take destination pieces and review articles which I can do.

    New Mexico:

    My home away from home. New Mexico has been a place of comfort for me ever since I was a kid. Some of my earliest vacation memories are from New Mexico, the real 'land of enchantment.' I can't tell you how much I love walking into Old Town in Albuquerque or walking in the Plaza in Santa Fe. I enjoy to drive into Portales after the long drive through cattle-country in Texas. I love the sunsets as I drive the back roads to Albuquerque from Portales. I love how flat it is, but yet I love the slow transitions to the mountains. Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands and Bandelier National Monument have taken my breath away and getting to play with prairie dogs put the icing on the cake. New Mexico is where my heart is, I am truly passionate about it and even though I get to go there almost every year, I still have not experienced all it has to offer. New Mexico magazine and Outdoors would probably be my best bet at getting published. They are both headquartered in New Mexico but I think it would be easier for me to get published in New Mexico Magazine for what I love about New Mexico.

  2. I would like to think that I am an expert in Fashion/Beauty, City Traveling/City Safety (Philadelphia and New York in particular), and Interior decorating/DIY Home tips.

    I've always had an interest in Fashion. Through study, submersion, and observing I've developed my own style and sense of the fashion world. I enjoy writing, reading, and helping others with their personal style. My Mother is a MAC make-up artist. I have watched her and various other make-up artists work in stores, in my home, and at events (weddings, fashion shows, and even photo shoots).

    I have lived between Philadelphia and New York for as long as I can remember. I have also had the privilege to visiting many cities throughout my life. I've developed tips to milking the experience of visiting new cities and finding hidden treasures, but also staying safe while getting around the city.

    I love real-estate. I love the outside of houses, and the inside. However, I have not had much experience landscaping, but I have had experience decorating many college dorms, living rooms, and even a nursery (it was my Aunt's, but she gave me full creative control). I have developed a few tips to maximizing small space, adding color to rooms, and window treatments.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am an expert at finding cool, new and interesting gadgets, eating and living gluten and garlic free and I am also an expert in the care of Jack Russell Terriers.
    Technology has always been an interest for me. I find it amazing that once the human race survived without computers, phones, and television while people today can't pull themselves away from a phone call for even minute to check out or sit through a 50 minute class without their crotch lighting up from the text a friend just sent them. I like to spend my free time searching the internet for new technologies that are emerging or finding things that have been around a while that I never knew about. I consider myself an expert not because I know everything about gadgets but because I am constantly willing to expand my knowledge about technology. I also consider myself an expert because I run a blog called Gadgets and Gizmos A Plenty. A magazine for this would be Gadgets or Stuff.
    Jack Russell Terriers
    When I was six, my sister and I finally convinced my parents that we would take care of a dog. At the time, we didn't fully understand the huge responsibility it is to take care of a pet, but we soon found out when we adopted our first dog, Shiner, a beautiful Jack Russell Terrier. I am now going to be 21 and I've learned a lot in the last few years of owning a Jack Russell. I've learned about responsibility by feeding, bathing and cleaning up after a dog. I've learned how to train a dog to do basic commands but also to listen, obey, and even do a few tricks. I've learned about the unconditional love that dogs give their owners and that there is nothing better than coming home to a tail wagging, panting, crazy, jumping Jack Russell after a long day. Over the years, we have adopted four other Jack Russell's into our family, so I've learned that having one Jack Russell is enough but having more is better. But most of all, I've learned that losing a Jack Russell is just like losing a best friend and family member. I'm an expert because I currently own three Jack Russell Terriers, and my family has had five in the last fifteen years of my life. I could try and publish in a Dog magazine or the Jack Russell Terrier magazine called True Grit.
    Living Gluten and Garlic Free
    In December 2011, I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance, dairy intolerance, and sensitivity to garlic. Over the next few months, I struggled with learning how to eat differently and seeing exactly what my body could and could not handle anymore. Learning to be gluten free through a Christmas with a lot of Polish food is very hard. I found myself eating just vegetables and fruits because I didn't know what exactly I could eat. After some help from a friend with Celiac Disease, I learned what gluten foods to avoid and how to eat gluten free without chewing on celery every day. Once I mastered being gluten-free, I eliminated dairy from my life. For a girl who loved a cold glass of milk in the morning, it wasn't the easiest thing to do either. Becoming garlic free was probably the hardest thing to do because my mom cooked everything with garlic. One look in our spice cabinet and I was worried. One trip to the grocery store and I realized it was going to be hard to completely avoid eating garlic again in my life. I don’t consider myself an expert at this lifestyle yet since I am only six months gluten, garlic, and dairy free, but I am very good at it. A magazine I’m going to try and publish in will be Easy Eats and Gluten Free Living.

  5. I am an expert at Baseball, Time Management, and Videogames.


    I have played baseball my entire life and have watched the Major Leagues since I was little. I know everything from the rules of the game to the finer details ranging from analyzing trades to ways to perfect how to play the game.

    Time Management:

    I feel like I have excellent time management skills because like many college students I have find time to manage being a full time student along with working 20-30 hours a week. Again like many other students I manage to find time to hang out with friends and family. I am also a part of the baseball team for the University. This is a very hard schedule to keep up and I feel I could be able to write about the ability to keep busy schedules.


    I have played videogames from when I was little so I would say I am an expert on them. I would like to analyze playing the games and talk about the good and bad features of the games. I could talk about classic gaming systems or I could talk about new games that I have personally played.

  6. I like to consider myself an expert in politics, social issues, and women's issues.

    After spending 21 Christmases, Thanksgivings, Easters, etc. listening to my Republican father argue with (and send Bush gag gifts to) my exteremely liberal aunt, I took it upon myself to read up on the issues discussed in the family debates. I think my niche in politics is that i don't associate with either party.

    Although social issues belong alongside political beliefs, I am very opinionated on the subject. This is something I didn't become interested in until college. However, after completing several courses in advertising, public relations, and propaganda, I reached my own conclusion that people are controlled by these things. Consumerism is probably one of my main interests as well.

    I'd like to consider myself an expert on women's issues because, well, I am a woman--and have been for the last 21 years. I think as a young woman, I can bring a different perspective to feminist magazines. I have grown up to be relatively independent--I don't like to count on others for things I need (unless absolutely necessary). I don't accept drinks from strange men at the bar "just because," and I almost never allow someone to pay for an entire first date. I'm a pretty big believer in equality--especially in relationships. For example, the old saying, "what's yours is mine what's mine is mine," does not apply to me. Although I wouldnt consider myself a feminist, I think women's issues are very important. I could see myself writing articles that attempt to assist women in being more independent instead of counting on men to support them.
