Thursday, September 27, 2012

Please Read "Obama's Way" For Tuesday

Please read the Vanity Fair immersion piece, "Obama's Way," by Michael Lewis for Tuesday. Here it is:

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Q&As and More

Sample Q&As:

Pittsburgh Magazine (Q&A with Pittsburgh Dad):

And if you've never seen Pittsburgh Dad, here's a recent one:

City Paper's "On the Record" Feature:

Brian Brodeur's "How a Poem Happens":

The Guardian Q&A Feature:

Harpers Bazaar Style Q&A:

Rolling Stone Q&A:

Whirl Magazine:

And just a site you should know about:
This is from Tavi Gevinson, wunderkind style blogger. It's a magazine for teenage girls. The story concepts are pretty brilliant. Her sense of audience is spot-on. And don't get me started on voice. It's a great example of content perfectly matched to readers. Go!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

This Week: Submitting Your Work, Effective Q&A's, and Planning Your Immersion Piece

Tuesday, Sept. 18:

We'll finish workshop of the how-to pieces and review how to (ha!) submit your work.

You'll present your ideas for timely/seasonal Q&As and choose one to pursue. Your finished Q&A will be due next Tuesday, Sept. 25. 700 words. Be sure to name your target magazine.

For Thursday, draft a paragraph describing your immersion project. Include the following information:

*  Rationale for the story (news value, timeliness, interest)
*  Target market(s)/magazine(s)
*  Proposed sources (at least two) and evaluation of access
*  Reportage plan (fly-on-the-wall, etc.)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This Week in Magazine Writing

On Tuesday, Sept. 11, we'll continue workshop of your how-to pieces. If we don't complete all pieces in workshop, we'll finish on Thursday, Sept. 13.

Also on Thursday, Sept. 13, we'll plan for your next piece -- a Q&A with a timely or seasonal news link. I'll review this in class.

Over the weekend, please revise your how-to pieces and bring electronic copies to class on Tuesday, Sept. 18. Also please bring five story/source ideas for your Q&As.